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the bidder has space to set out where they may or may not meet <br />specifications and make any comments they wish. He felt the thing <br />that has been overlooked is the EMS system, which is a system that <br />monitors the vital signs of the equipment while it is operating. <br />Mr. Dean noted we recently had a piece of equipment lose its oil, <br />necessitating repairs to the tune of $6,000. <br />Additional discussion ensued regarding the fact that this <br />equipment is not meant to be working on top of the hill, but <br />Director Dean pointed out that it will be driving over tree limbs, <br />stumps, and other very rough material. He agreed that Fiat -Allis, <br />offered'by Adams-DeWind, was low bidder, but they did not meet the <br />weight specification nor have the EMS system. <br />Commissioner Scurlock debated the importance of the EMS <br />system, noting that he has been told the most important thing <br />about equipment is to check on it twice a day and, in fact, some <br />people prefer mechanical gauges. <br />Director Dean agreed that it is important to check equipment <br />twice ay day, but pointed out that sometimes accidents occur where <br />a limb breaks off and damages the equipment. <br />Roland McNeal, Supervisor of the Landfill, informed the Board <br />that one of the reasons for the weight is that the equipment holds <br />the ground better and you do not have it tipping and swaying. He <br />further advised that they have had good results with the EMS <br />system. If something breaks, a buzzer automatically comes on, and <br />you have to get out of the cab and check on it. <br />Chairman Wheeler questioned the cost of the EMS system as <br />related to the labor time required to check on the machine several <br />times a day, and felt possibly over a year that time could amount <br />to more than the EMS system. <br />Questions continued regarding weight and the fact that <br />Fiat -Allis is 823 lbs. lighter than the 34,883 lbs. specification. <br />John DeWind of Adams-DeWind Machine Co. introduced himself to <br />the Board and advised that with him is Brent MacDonald, a District <br />Manager for Fiat -Allis. Mr. DeWind stressed that his company was <br />'JUIN 1 � 1989 5 eQOr <br />