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use the First Church of the Nazarene as the new polling place for <br />Precinct 14. <br />Mrs. Robinson explained that Precinct 24 is a split precinct <br />right now, and when the Town has elections and the Sebastian <br />Inlet District is on the ballot, the people in the Town of Indian <br />River Shores cannot vote on that, but the people north of the <br />Town can. She feels this division would clarify that situation. <br />They have not had an answer in regard to the use of the McLarty <br />Visitor Center for a polling place. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that he would question the use <br />of the McLarty Visitor Center as a polling place, and Commis- <br />sioner Eggert concurred. <br />Mrs. Robinson informed the Board that they have had a very <br />difficult time getting polling places. She did agree that the <br />McLarty Visitor Center is pretty far north and advised that the <br />different developments in the area did not respond to her request <br />for polling places. She, therefore, would Like the Board to <br />approve the subdivision of Precinct 24 as described and leave the <br />polling place as it is for the time being. There is a possibil- <br />ity they may be able to use the Orchid Bank, but she confirmed <br />that they will not use the McLarty building and will stay with <br />the Indian River Shores Community Center unless they can get the <br />use of Orchid Bank. <br />Mrs. Robinson continued that Precinct 36 would be divided <br />along 74th Avenue, and thanks to former County Commissioner Pat <br />Lyons and the new Administrator of Indian River Estates, they <br />have received approval for the use of that facility as a polling <br />place. She again stressed the problem of finding polling places <br />as the county grows, and advised that she at some time would like <br />to have a polling place ordinance, the same as in Collier County, <br />so that big developments that come in and have a definite impact <br />on the voting would be required to allow the use of their club- <br />house facilities for polling places if we need them. <br />pp r-� <br />AUG 1 �9rb7 13 poor <br />_ <br />