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L� J <br />Commissioner Scurlock understood that there is nothing in <br />the proposed actions that we would take today that would limit <br />our ability to seek alternate courses of financing, and <br />Administrator Chandler answered no, other than the fact that we <br />are looking at funding this through a one-time levy. The <br />one-time levy would be 7.352, based on the current year tax roll, <br />but if the referendum passes, the levy wouldn't occur until the <br />subsequent year. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that he had voted to place this item <br />on the ballot with the understanding that between the County, the <br />McKee Jungle Gardens Preservation Society, and Grover Fletcher, <br />every effort would be made to properly educate the voters prior <br />to the referendum about not only the cost of the acquisition of <br />the property but the estimated costs on the restoration of the <br />Gardens and the annual maintenance. He asked if we have a handle <br />on those numbers yet and is there going to be an attempt made to <br />somehow disseminate that information to the public. <br />Administrator Chandler reported that staff has developed the <br />figures, but there is a little difference of philosophy in terms <br />of how the Gardens would be operated. If the County were to <br />operate it, we see it basically as a passive type area with <br />paths, benches, etc., and therefore, we are looking at an annual <br />operating expense of about $70,000 for upkeep and maintenance. <br />Likewise, we would be looking at some expense on the front end, <br />some within the first year and some within the second or third <br />year, for basic improvements to the property such as a parking <br />lot, restrooms, etc. In the first year there would be some <br />expenses for some select clearing and cleaning just to make it a <br />manageable, usable park. We are estimating a one-time startup <br />shot of $99,000 in the first year, in addition to annual <br />expenses. The Society has a startup expense in the first year <br />of about $45,000, and $47,000 in the second year. The difference <br />is that the Society is relying heavily on donations of materials <br />.and/or personnel <br />to help in the clearing. <br />If the Society <br />were to <br />A U G >- 989 <br />3 <br />y t <br />