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Sub -Element, to maximize the use of existing facilities and <br />discourage urban sprawl. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 4 RECYCLING AND WASTE VOLUME REDUCTION <br />Through the recycling program, the county will have reduced the <br />volume of 1994 solid waste to be buried in the landfill by 30%. <br />It was pointed out that Objective 4 was not worded <br />correctly, and that it should read "By 1994, through the <br />recycling program, the county will have reduced the volume of <br />solid waste to be buried in the landfill by 30%. <br />OBJECTIVE 5 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION <br />By 1992, the county will establish a regular coordination <br />mechanism with other local governments and agencies for an <br />effective system of Solid Waste Management. - NO COMMENT <br />***** END OF SOLID WASTE SUB -ELEMENT ***** <br />NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE SUB -ELEMENT <br />GoaT--`— ------------- <br />It is the goal of Indian River County to protect the function of <br />natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, to prevent the <br />groundwater contamination and to extend the life span of the <br />aquifer through water conservation. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY <br />By 1995, all natural groundwater recharge areas will be protected <br />against all sources of contamination, and a minimum of 50% of all <br />prime natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, identified in <br />the Groundwater Basin Resource Availability Inventory (GWBRAI) <br />being prepared by the SJRWMD will be left as a pervious open <br />space. <br />Pat Corrigan wished to know what qualifies as "pervious open <br />space," and he was informed that it would be unpaved, not covered <br />with a solid structure, etc. <br />'AVG 2 S 1989 39 BOOK UKP F1E �IL)` <br />