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AUG 2 3 1989 � <br />BOOK % j F° 76 <br />be some changes to the capital improvements aspect of this <br />identifying intersection improvements and advance R/W acqui- <br />sition. Staff will answer any questions as this is reviewed. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES <br />By 1994, all existing roadway deficiencies will be corrected. <br />Director Keating noted that we are very fortunate - in <br />essence, we only have one link that is deficient. <br />Board members had questions as to just what "deficiencies" <br />means, and staff advised that it refers to level of service or <br />roadway capacity deficiencies. <br />In further discussion, it was agreed to reword Objective 1 <br />to read: "By 1994, all today's existing roadway capacity <br />deficiencies will be corrected." <br />Mrs. Offutt requested that same language be carried over <br />into Policy 1.3. <br />OBJECTIVE 2 ADEQUATE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM <br />The County traffic circulation system will operate at or above <br />the minimum service levels specified in Policy 1.1. <br />Mrs. Offutt referred to Policy 2.2 which talks about a <br />traffic impact analysis for projects that generate a certain <br />amount of traffic and are located within a critical transporta- <br />tion area, as designated by the public works director. She wished <br />to know on what criteria such a designation would be based. <br />Director Davis explained that language is in the Code today. <br />If the development is within 1/2 mile radius of an intersection <br />with an existing deficiency and that is currently stressed to <br />capacity, then we request an analysis. If it is not in an area <br />44 <br />