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AUG 2 <br />BOOK PAGE TiO <br />requirements in all of our zoning districts, and this would <br />qualify for open space credit. <br />Planner DeBlois pointed out that a conservation easement <br />doesn't necessarily have to prohibit all uses - it just would <br />limit it to compatible uses, and Commissioner Eggert advised that <br />this provision is in every Comprehensive Plan south of here. <br />Mrs. Offutt brought up the recent example of a tree being in <br />the footprint of a building and asked at what point do we decide <br />where this building will go, especially as this Policy refers to <br />250 of each native plant community. <br />Commissioner Bowman stated that it would be very unlikely <br />that you would have more than one ecosystem on a particular site. <br />Planner DeBlois advised that staff's position is that this <br />allows the flexibility for a site specific review by both the P&Z <br />and the BCC. <br />OBJECTIVE 7 WILDLIFE AND MARINE HABITAT <br />There will be no further reductions in the population size of <br />endangered or threatened plant and animal species occurring in <br />Indian River County, and marine habitat productivity will <br />improve. <br />Commissioner Bird asked whether it is necessary to be quite <br />as finite in some of our statements such as "there will be no <br />further reductions...." <br />Director Keating noted that a lot of the comments that come <br />back from the state are that you have to be quantitative and <br />identify what you want to achieve. No one will hold your feet to <br />the fire on the objectives; it is the policies you have to <br />follow and implement. One of the things about this plan is that <br />we have an evaluation matrix after each element which provides a <br />method of evaluating each objective to see how well you have <br />done. <br />Commissioner Bird pointed out that if you say no further <br />reduction, and a project comes in that will affect that and we <br />54 <br />® � r <br />