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2 1999 'c7 <br />Commissioner Scurlock inquired about the status of the <br />mandatory trash collections, and Mr. Brooks advised that staff is <br />presently researching the various ordinances passed by counties <br />and municipalities in the state that already have this in <br />operation, and we hope to have an ordinance developed sometime in <br />mid summer of 1990 and fully implemented and in operation by <br />October, 1990. <br />Commissioner Eggert understood that it would be sooner than <br />that, and Mr. Brooks explained that the delay is in deciding <br />whether to have the the County collect the fees for trash pickup <br />or have the haulers collect the fees. If we elect to have the <br />haulers collect the money, there may be a strong tendency on the <br />part of the residents not to pay the haulers." In addition, we <br />would have to negotiate with the existing franchised haulers for <br />the service areas and there would be substantial changes in those <br />franchises. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that he spoke in Gifford last <br />week and received a very receptive attitude and encouragement both <br />for our recycling program and for the mandatory collection. The <br />community up there sees a significant problem in allowing a <br />voluntary situation. <br />Commissioner Eggert noted that the policies and procedures <br />will be adopted tomorrow night at the Final Budget Hearing. <br />Chairman Wheeler opened the Public Hearing, and asked if <br />anyone wished to be heard on this matter. <br />Nancy Offutt, legislative coordinator for the Chamber of <br />Commerce, realized this may not be the time to speak to the <br />classifications in the Resolution, but she felt the definition of <br />some of those categories are a little vague, such as the size of <br />mobile home parks going from "excellent" to "cheap", and "Mom and <br />Pop" stores. She recalled that during the workshops, there was <br />some discussion about having convenience stores listed under the <br />supermarket category. She knew of one constituent in the <br />14 <br />