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L I <br />P R O C L A M A T I O N <br />WHEREAS, in 1909, spearheaded by Mary White Ovington, <br />William English Walling and Dr. Henry Moskowitz, the National <br />Association for the Advancement of Colored People was born; and <br />WHEREAS, since 1909 the mission of the National <br />Association for the Advancement of Colored People has been: <br />1. To eliminate racial discrimination -and segregation from <br />all aspects of public life in America; <br />s <br />2. To secure a free ballot for every qualified American <br />citizen; - <br />3. To seek justice in the courts; <br />4. To secure legislation banning discrimination and <br />segregation; <br />5. To secure equal job opportunities based upon individual <br />merit without regard to race, religion or national <br />origin; <br />6. To end mob violence and police brutalityp and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County established a branch of <br />the N.A.A.C.P. in Gifford in 1963 and changed the name from <br />Gifford N.A.A.C.P. to Indian River County N.A.A.C.P. in 1983 to <br />include all people in the five cities and unincorporated part of <br />the county. During that time three Presidents have guided the <br />local branch of the N.A.A.C.P.: Arthur Lee Henderson, Raymond <br />Sharpton, and Victor Hart; and <br />WHEREAS, Victor Hart, the present leader, still <br />remembers the problems of the late sixties and the early <br />seventies when he and other members marched to obtain jobs in <br />Vero Beach business and industry; and <br />WHEREAS, Victor9Hart helped integrate the beaches and <br />the county school system, and established bussing of school <br />children throughout the county; <br />WHEREAS, the mission of the Indian River County <br />N.A.A.C.P. is to fight for justice in courts, 'to educate all <br />children, to reduce drop -outs and to eliminate drug abuse with <br />the belief that the future lies with the children: <br />NOW, <br />Commissioners, <br />congratulates <br />Colored People <br />Indian River <br />missio� <br />THEREFORE, the Indian River County Board of County <br />on the occasion of the Freedom Fund Banquet, <br />the National Association for the Advancement of <br />on its eightieth birthday and wishes it and its <br />County Branch great success in achieving its <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Gary C Wheeler, Chairman j <br />Adopted this 19th day of September, 1989 <br />3 <br />NUGK 9 `guF,�b3 - <br />