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DEC 21'989 <br />MOK 78 PAGE '732 <br />can receive it and dewater it, and then it will go to the <br />Landfill. That is the first phase. The second phase, which will <br />bring us to an A level, would be to get into composting at the <br />Landfill site and then when it is composted, you can put it <br />anywhere you want to put it. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that the fact is that the City, <br />which has only one plant, has determined it is worth the dollars <br />to upgrade and change their process to achieve a Class A rating. <br />Why then have we been unable to demonstrate to them that it is in <br />their best interests to do what is proposed here? <br />Director Pinto noted that in fairness to the City, if we <br />were to look at our sites individually and say that we only have <br />the west county treatment plant, for instance, it may be the most <br />cost effective thing to do to build sludge treatment at that <br />facility for that specific facility, but when you have several <br />subregional facilities, and need sludge treatment at each <br />facility, it is not cost effective. <br />Commissioner Scurlock did not understand when, for instance, <br />you have a plant rated at 4.5 million gpd and we have one rated <br />the same, how it differs on a plant by plant basis. <br />Director Pinto confirmed that it shouldn't differ, but if <br />they were both our plants, where it takes 4 million to build one <br />facility to treat both plants, if you build a facility for each <br />one individually, it might cost 6 million. The City of Vero <br />Beach is looking at their individual operation. He personally <br />felt they are going astray and that it will cost them more than <br />they are estimating, but at this point, they feel their cost on <br />an individual basis is less than if they came to us collectively. <br />He disagreed, and further pointed out that their consultants did <br />a very fast review while we went through a very long exercise in <br />establishing the cost effectiveness of what we are doing. <br />Commissioner Eggert believed the newspaper said we are going <br />to have to take them in the future anyway, and wished to know if <br />that is correct. <br />6 <br />