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DEC 21 i9tiY <br />�1 <br />fLLL�JJJ <br />BOCK PAGE , <br />you are not receiving revenues from their sludge, if they expand <br />their wastewater system, it eliminates your ability to collect <br />from those people for septage. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt you pick it up on the sludge <br />side. We don't give them an option not to use our Landfill, and <br />he felt the same approach can be taken with their sludge, which <br />will be disposed on in some sort of land application, and we <br />control all the zoning in the county as well as the Landfill. <br />Director Pinto noted that their position is that they will <br />take their sludge and raise it to Class A and utilize it however <br />they want, possibly even within their own city. He personally <br />doubted that. However, putting cost aside, they could build a <br />facility where it could be composted and then they could use it <br />wherever they want. That would impact the revenue we have <br />designated for our septage because they are taking away the <br />septage customers. The other scenario would be that, without an <br />agreement, we make the investment to treat the septage, and all <br />of a sudden they decide to treat septage in their own treatment <br />plant after we have the investment in our treatment plant. That <br />is why you have to have agreements. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if we can't design with them not <br />included, and Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that then we <br />would lose $500,000 grant monies. He stressed that we have many, <br />many things that must be decided in the interim while they <br />determine if they are really out or only halfway out or what. <br />They have complicated all this significantly. <br />Chairman Wheeler wished more clarification. He noted that <br />his understanding up to this point is that the City is talking <br />about not participating in our plan by modifying their plant to <br />make the sludge more versatile for disposal. <br />Mr. Munksgaard explained that the City's concept is that <br />they can take waste heat from their power plant across the street <br />to raise the temperature to get the number of degree days needed <br />8 <br />