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of July, 1932 at 10 o'clock A.M. and the following County Commissioners were present: <br />�} ._ _.. 0.000_- _... a_... _,0000 _.. <br />.Albert 0. Helseth, Chairman; J.D.Yongue; L.W.LaBrace and Eli C. Walker. .Also present <br />were Miles Warren, Clerk and W. R. Duncan, Tax Assessor. <br />The Board then resolved itself into a Board of Equalizers of taxes, for the year <br />1932, pursuant to adjournment on Tuesday, July. 5th 1932, for the purpose of hearing <br />complaints and receiving testimony as to the value of any property, real, personal or <br />mixed, as fixed by the County Tax Assessor of taxes for assessment for the taxes Of the <br />year 1932, the owners and agents of property, who appeared for that purpose, were <br />allowed to make full and complete statements as to the valuation of the property owned <br />or represented by them and the Tax Assessor and the members of the Board having fully <br />no <br />discussed the statements and facts as presented decided/,%o increase the valuation <br />upon the property upon the tax roll for the year 1932. <br />The tax books being ready to be returned to the Tax Assessor for the purpose of <br />extending the taxes thereon as provided by law the Board of County Commissioners took <br />up the matter of making an estimate of the necessary expenses for the fiscal year,from <br />October lot 1932 <br />to the 30th day of September 1933, and having <br />considered <br />the receipts <br />estimated by the <br />Clerk and the valuation of the property of the <br />County as <br />shown by the <br />assessment rolls prepared by the Tax Assessor and having given full consideration to <br />the needs and necessities of the County and the requirements for the different purposes <br />to meet 'the expenses during the said fiscal year, have determined and do hereby declare <br />the following to be the expenses and all special and extra -ordinary expenses contem- <br />plated for the fiscal year next ensuing and for which the revenue for the year 1932 <br />from ad valorem taxation and the estimated receipts from other sbuTees will be available, <br />GEIRRAL REVEMM FUND. <br />1. Salary of Clerk Board County oners..........$ 600.00/ <br />2. Per Diem and mileage County Commissioners........... 750.001 <br />6. Judge of County Court ............................... 300.00` <br />7. 'Salary Prosecuting Attorney ..............000...0.... 400.001 <br />8. .Attorney for County Commissioners ............0.....0 300.00Y <br />9. Supervisor of Registration .......................... 300.0o . -I <br />122IM PAIRS: Court House...... • .. 0 ..................... 0 100.00 -,� <br />13. J a i 1 .........:..:..:........:99.600.0.0. 100.00® <br />15.FURWITURE & FIXTUIRES:Court House.........:.......0.. 100000-) <br />16. Jai 1 ..........:.:.9000:.:::. 100.00- <br />17.Janitor and Jail Gualdoo .......................0.... 840.00 - <br />18.Light & Water.......,...: ........................... 400.00 - <br />20.Incident€-1 expenditures..0.....0....:::0:.. 2000.00- <br />25.Allowances made to paupers...........9...........9.. 3000.00® <br />26.Coroners Inquest fees and witnesses ... 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 100.00 <br />27.Insanity inquiries .................................. 100.00 - <br />28.General stationery and blanks ....................... 300100- <br />29.Record Books... 300.00- <br />30.Advertising required by law..9...0.0.9.......00..0:9 -150.00 - <br />31.Commissions for Tax Assessor0......9....00.....:... 2500.00 <br />32.Commissions for Tax Collector ....................:.. 2200.00' <br />36 -Clerk general Court work.........0.09..00........... "600.00- <br />37.Rent Court House....0..........:......:............. 1500.00- <br />38.General Election cost........:.0.9.......0...0...... 400.00 <br />39.Reserved for contengeneies........9.0...0.0.....9.0• 195.32 <br />TOTAL...... $17,635.32 <br />FINE & FORFEITURE FUND. <br />16 :Sheriff's cost bills.........990....................55000.00 - <br />2. Constable cost bills........099.....0..........:9000 100.00- <br />3. Clerk cost bills criminal"eases...... 00..0..0....... 800,00- <br />5. County Judge cost bills criminal cases ..........:..* 300.00 <br />6. Justice of Peace cost bills criminal cases.......... 50.00, <br />8. Prosecuting Attorney conviction fees ................ 700.00, <br />9. Bailiff for Courts..9.....9...0..0...........90..... 25.00- <br />10•Witness fens.............0............9...9......... 450.00- <br />ll.Court stenographer criminal cases.....009.....0...0. 100.00 <br />12.Other expenses criminal cases ........................ 100.00- <br />13.°Sheriff commission on fines and costs collected..... 250.00- <br />14.Feeding prisoners..........000..•.....•000.......... 3000.00-, <br />17.Salary Judge Juvenile Court ......................... 300.00- <br />20.Reserved for contengencies....•00.9...00.......•..0. 555.94 <br />TOTAL...... 99730.94 <br />