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and do not include the Mall at the final adoption hearing, and <br />that is what staff would recommend; however, whatever the Board's <br />decision is, staff would like to know it now so they can adjust <br />the various elements in the plan accordingly. <br />Commissioner Bird did not want to do anything for one mall <br />that we are n-ot doing for the other; he wanted to keep them equal <br />and let the market dictate who will be the successful developer. <br />He asked if it would keep Indian River Mall on a parallel course <br />with the other mall if we put them back in the Comprehensive Plan <br />at the final hearing. <br />Director Keating advised that the other mail (Shopco) has <br />everything done, except that they have not submitted a -site plan <br />yet, but they are waiting on Indian River t3oulevard. The Indian <br />River Mall is substantially behind. In fact, today is our <br />deadline to get comments to the Regional Planning Council <br />regarding the third review of their URI, and he believed we still <br />have a lot of unresolved issues on it. The effect of including <br />them in the adoption hearing on February 13th would be to make <br />the DRI approval the only factor in their timing. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that he agreed with the concept <br />of keeping them equal, but he couldn't see slowing one down <br />because the other one hasn't done something. <br />Chairman Eggert inquired about the status of Indian River <br />Boulevard Phase 111, and Public Works Director Davis reported <br />that on Phase III the permitting obstacles seem to be somewhat <br />behind u�s except for the Corps of Engineers permit, and the R/W <br />is now proceeding fairly rapidly. Regarding Phase IV which goes <br />up to the Harbor Mall, applications have been filed..for the <br />permits, and R/W acquisition is 40% complete. We hope to have <br />the R/W all acquired..within the next 3/4 months; however, the <br />Corps may not be able to issue our permit until we have secured <br />the R/W, including the mitigation area. Director Davis advised <br />that we hope to have Indian River Boulevard open to 53rd Street <br />.in December of 1992. <br />27 <br />