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r- <br />!JAN BOOK I Ft.,-;E 900 <br />input until "after-the-fact" when it starts to affect them <br />directly. <br />Director Keating informed the Board that as part of this <br />process and part of the Growth Management Act, a lot broader <br />standing for..other entities to get involved was created. <br />For instance, we got a call from an organization called 111,000 <br />Friends of Florida" who also review local comprehensive plans. <br />They try to concentrate on one issue for each county. For us, <br />they have picked out the issue of the Indian River Lagoon, and <br />they will be prepared to comment and intervene in the process. <br />Director Keating noted that when you look at the ORC report, <br />you can see that the DCA reviewed our plan thoroughly. A lot of <br />their comments related to minor and technical deficiencies which <br />are easily corrected, but one objection was that we were not <br />being specific enough about what we intend to do, and another <br />objection category was analysis deficiencies and that is time <br />consuming because we have to go back in and justify a lot of the <br />objectives we have in the plan. In example, DCA had several <br />comments relating to the fact that we didn't use the functional <br />population, which is both the resident population and the <br />seasonal population, when planning for evacuation, and he felt <br />that could be justified by explaining that our population figures <br />are the lowest during the months when the hurricane season <br />occurs. <br />Director Keating stressed that the major items we need to <br />discuss today are Urban Sprawl, Affordable Housing and <br />Environmental issues, as set out on the second page of staff's <br />memo, The DCA staff said these are the 3 areas where the <br />Secretary has major concerns, and he is the one who actually does <br />the final sign -off on the plan. <br />6 <br />