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Commissioner Scurlock explained very briefly the concurrency <br />requirements for new development that are in the new <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan with regard to infrastructure, which <br />is roads, stormwater drainage, water and sewer. <br />Mayor Hurst agreed with Commissioner Scurlock that the key <br />word here is concurrency, and Commissioner Scurlock pointed out <br />that there is a moratorium on new development in west Martin <br />County because they do not have the infrastructure. Fellsmere is <br />far from that, however, because they are not nearing capacity on <br />their roads. Commissioner Scurlock emphasized that the County <br />has adopted a uniform approach in the collection of impact fees <br />throughout the county, and the County does not waive the impact <br />fee even for itself. The County has paid road, water and sewer <br />impact fees for the new Jail and the new libraries. <br />Councilman Brooks referred to the following letter written <br />by Assistant County Attorney William Collins to former Mayor <br />Turner: <br />� <br />AN rf 00K. ��.Gt <br />