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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:00:47 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 4:36:20 PM
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I <br />I <br />I <br />909 <br />A <br />,R42 <br />. " & � 2.9312 <br />TUE. MET <br />The Board of Covj%ty.. Commissioner's of Indian River Couptyo Florida, net in tho office <br />or the Clerk of Court at Vero.,Beaohs In the County of Indisn'River on the 2nd <br />day- of AUgUsts A. Do 19=s and the following members of said Board were. resent: Albert <br />Ito <br />C. Heloetk# Chairman; T. D. Yonguo; To W. Learn j To P. Hamilton; a and Eli C. Walker* <br />Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk end C. P. Diamond, attorney foi- the Boord. <br />Minutes of the-zee#ngs hold on znwuh.9-5thoo'and 'nth, 19329 were read and <br />GOMM& upon motion duly made, and carried. <br />It was ordered that Mrs* Mary Law, a widow, of Vero Beach, be paid -the arm of <br />0040,ver month from the allowance ,made to paupers* <br />Dt# J. C. Dubose; Ron* a.. F. Raulerson.and Mr# Holey= appeared before the board <br />in behalf of the Florida Exhibit- to be shown MAhe World's Fair in.ChlPago ..during th6 <br />yeer. A. Dos 19339 and requested that Idian RftstyCounty combributeAbLe am of 4504,00 <br />for its pro rata of the o6at of amid wchibitton. by the StAxte. of Florlda, to be paid <br />from the rermues to be derived from the raping commi sal on during the yftr 19333 theret- <br />Upon Mr. LaBruce made a notion that the,sald amount -be donated* which said motion was <br />lost, f or the vaint. of,4 secoads <br />Mr. A. C. Brown a member of the Board -of Supervisors of Indian River Farmsr.Draln- <br />age DI-striOt apple3red-before the Board and Wormed the members of the Board that certain' <br />parties dere cutting and removing the timber from certain lands In the Ccunt7 wherein <br />there was delinquent taxes due onsaid lands, and upon motion duly made and carried it <br />was ordered that tIp-matter be referred to,Mri,.C. P9 Diamonds attorneys for Invest1gation <br />with instructio'A'.to petition the Courts for vestry inin; order agalnst the partios cutting <br />the timber until the said taxes =9 paid* <br />Eton, Alex MacWilliams, May cr- 'Vero Beach appeared- bdf=eAha-.3oOd and requested <br />co-operatloof, the Board of Couuty Coamissioneirs- in the, subject natters pertaining to <br />the Re-eft-struction FInance, Corporation of the ftdeml Government* <br />Pension applicitlin of - Fazinie Faultorsonswidpw of Confederate Veterem of <br />-;r(apany "I* a7th Batallion, Virginia Mounted Riflemen, was approved upon.motion duly <br />made, and ,483710do <br />It Was ordered:tbat C. E. Hamilton of WWor Beach be paid the BUM.of 40oOO <br />per mouthfrom allowances made toi paupers* <br />A Mrs. Cooper of Vero Beach appeared before the . .Board and .request I ad aid and the <br />matter was deferred and no,actioniaken pertaining to her requost* <br />It,, was ,ordered that Ure W. To Kemp be, granted permission to construct a fish <br />house near!-Walbasso between two bridges on Pine IsIsud$'thoi4Id_d:b ruc*ture to be removed <br />at any t1ilme the Board should direct Its removal. Mr. Kemp was instructed to o0j!tat riu'ot <br />said building in such way as would not.interfere with traffic and sufficient distance <br />'from.the road,bed as not to interfere with the"highway In any wanner, <br />The board having - b-- retoforo reduced the amount paid Mrs, Ade - Stokes from $15.00 <br />-to $12.00 and a.ababanloation.was reoleVed from Mrsi StoXas I askUV! that she., still be <br />paid -the -mm or $15*00 monthly, it was ordered, that the Clerk advise Mrs. Stokes that <br />the sum' Of, 12.00 monthly was the best the board could do at present <br />It was ordered that firs.,- .Ruby McLellan be paid the sum of `$19.04 the proceeds <br />to be used for the purpose of purchasing clothing for boy being seAt to School for <br />blind at'St. Augustinei <br />It was -ordered -that the bill of.Miles Warrens Clerks amounting to $228069 be <br />not allowed, thw'sald bill not being approved for paymut by the attorney off his board. <br />
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