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A,14 <br />i`iJESDAr AUGUST 2, 1938. <br />redemption of bonds of . Co=ty Spacial Tax 40hool :nistrioi t T6 l as , lh purma oe of the <br />requirom�ts oaf Xat j end' W3' .est1=t6d' by the .Gouaty Board" of: Pablic i®t#:�►u, 1'� in <br />stet rm .aed and 1 reby declared d tit a tax rate of Ninete and Qu t i t ug <br />the dollar be levied, -and la .Wreby- fixed- and assessed for the Peer 1932, on aU the <br />property in-' the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of Spe0i <br />Tax Sahool Di6tri 't 3o 1, the.boundaries of which said District being degeribed above <br />In these minutes# <br />ton <br />lfo meet- the, Interest- payments- and provide a sinking _ fund -for the ultimate ° rodempt <br />Of 'ends Of County! Special -B ,school DIStr1dt P0; ,8 and ' 0 and In pursuance of, the re ; , <br />meats of- lair, dfid-'as estimated by tete ,-County Bow. of Public - nstru6tio$, it I$deter- <br />Mined and barebg declared that- a mac- rate of Pow and ona-blaf (4j) Mille UP= they gainer <br />be leviCed, - and Is hereby �d and assessed for the year 1932, on an the oriE�pertYIn <br />Indian Rft+er County; 1"ng. and-, bling- whiz`- the bdundeWiea of said special TQC School <br />Districts nombetect- 8 and 9, the - boundaries of which said District being described ebore <br />. <br />in these- minutoo # <br />To m®yet the iotorest panted proii e,' a sinker fund f=the ultimate redemp <br />tion cif bonds and Time 'Warrents .of, City Speolal School District No. Ill and is per- <br />a�nce of� the ragikirea is of law, and -as estimated by t ie GOUnty Hoard of Public InstrUC <br />tiozAV, it is determined +anal hereby declared that a to x nate of Nineteen and one -ham. -(19 <br />mills upon the dollirr be levied, ` and is bareby f iatod ,and assessed forthe year 1932, on <br />all of the property -An the' County of " Iadlan Rivor, <br />i _ lying and being within the bonadarie <br />of said Special -Tax -Echoed District Nee'. ll,- the boundaries of which said ,district be#ag <br />described above U these mituteu <br />Go meet ahs interest p nt�r egad pr+o,4de `e sinkingfund �+�r the ultimate red <br />ties of bonds of - County Special Tax School District No. 14,andin pursuance ofd tke x►e- <br />quiremento. of law, and --as estimated by the -Grounty Board ©f Publio Instrnotionr I it is <br />� <br />determined a33S hereby declared that. a Tai rete of One' (1) mill upon the' -'dollar be levie <br />. <br />and is bereb ye <br />9' find and assessed for the year,1932-0 an all the property in the irouA'$y <br />i <br />of Indian River, lying and beim. within boundaarlesa of Special Tex School District NO <br />140 the boundaries ,of which said District'being described above In these .minutesi <br />Estimates having been made bythe Board of Commissioners of Indian Rawer Mosqui. <br />a <br />Cob:trOl, Di,$triat,, and - e aertified obey off' the. reeolution 'filed with the Board,, as <br />required by law, and as. estimated- by the said Hord .of Co .ssi©ners; requesting a=fisx <br />rate of Three (3) mills upon the dollar, within said District-, and the -County :COOM18- <br />sione-re having' earefully oonotdered the said resolutioA and' the needs'`asd necoessitiO <br />ofthe said Districts it Is determined and ba-reby declg ried that a tax rate of 'Threes..( 3 <br />mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1932, on <br />all the -property in the County -cr Indian Ri®er,. lying and being Within the boundaries <br />ofd MQS UITA GLRMOL D STRIGT, -the boundaries of said District being deedrlbadse4 <br />r <br />being the entire County as a whole. <br />Estimates having been made by the B2ARD Or C4. S$IC 8 .Or THE nORP..A0 <br />MARd <br />NABI4A! ON DISTRCT, end a cart led copy of 'the resolution filed wit$"thd Board, as <br />r..n.� <br />required by law, and as estimated by the'said Board of Commissioners, it is,detariiized <br />and hereby declared that a tax °rate of One -halt,( ) mill 'upon the ' dollar be ' levied, ate' <br />is hereby fixed and assessed for the <br />. y year 1$32; on all the property is the County of In; <br />dlan River, lying and being within`the boundaries of said -Florida Inland Navigation. <br />District, the boundaries ,of said Disatriat being desoribed as the entire County as, a <br />whole. <br />