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Coverage shall include contractual liability, products and completed operations, <br /> independent contractors, broad form general liability extensions, and per contract <br /> aggregate. <br /> 2. Automobile Liability— Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 <br /> 3. Worker's Compensation Statutory — as required by the State of Florida <br /> Each Accident $100,000 <br /> Each Disease— Each Employee$100,000 <br /> Each Disease — Policy Limit $500,000 <br /> 4. Professional Liability insurance on an occurrence or claims made basis <br /> with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and <br /> $2,000,000 aggregate combined single limit. This policy shall cover <br /> Consultant, all employees, and/or volunteers and all independent <br /> contractors, subcontractors and professional contractual persons hired or <br /> retained by Consultant. <br /> 5. There shall be no more than $5,000 deductible per claim amount unless <br /> approved by the County Risk Manager. Any deductibles or self-insured <br /> retentions greater than $5,000 must be approved by the Risk Manager for <br /> Indian River County with the ultimate responsibility for same going to the <br /> Consultant. <br /> 6. Consultant insurance coverage shall be primary. <br /> 7. All above insurance policies shall be placed with insurers with a Best's <br /> rating of no less than AV. The insurer chosen shall also be licensed to do <br /> business in Florida. <br /> 8. The insurance companies selected shall send written verification to the <br /> Indian River County Risk Management Department that they will provide <br /> 30 days written notice to the Indian River County Department of Risk <br /> Management of its intent to cancel or terminate said policies of insurance. <br /> Further, Consultant will sign a confidentiality agreement and a hold <br /> harmless agreement in connection with this Contract. <br /> 16. Payments. Indian River County will make payments to Consultant not to exceed <br /> $80,000 as stated in the request for proposal dated May 13, 2014 and as <br /> outlined in the Scope of Services (Attachment A). Consultant will not exceed this <br /> amount without prior written authorization from Indian River County. <br /> 17, Contractor acknowledges that the County is a governmental entity, and the <br /> contract validity is based upon the availability of public funding under its <br /> 5 <br /> 86 <br />