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Gifford Neiffhborhood Plan 2014 0 <br /> EXISTING CONDITIONS <br /> Definition of Neighborhood Plan Area <br /> Located in the unincorporated portion of Indian River County, the Gifford Neighborhood area encompasses approximately three and <br /> one half square miles. Specifically, the geographical boundaries of the plan area are 66th Avenue to the west, 41 st Street to the south, <br /> US Highway One to the east and 491h Street to the north. The southeastern boundary stretches east of US Highway One to include the <br /> Geoffrey Subdivision. Also, Gifford Dock Park that is located on the west side of the Indian River Lagoon is considered part of the <br /> Gifford Neighborhood area, although the park is not contiguous to the rest of the plan area. These plan boundaries were established <br /> by consensus at community meetings (Figure LA below). <br /> Community Development Indian River County 6 <br />