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PROCLAMATION <br />DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2014, AS <br />NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH <br />WHEREAS, each day in America four women are murdered by their intimate partners; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, every 60 seconds in America four women are abused by their intimate <br />partners; and <br />WHEREAS, one-third of ALL American women report being physically or sexually <br />abused by a husband or boyfriend sometime during their lives; and <br />WHEREAS, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides all Americans <br />the opportunity to recommit to ensuring that every relationship be violence free; and <br />WHEREAS, that all domestic violence victims deserve a safe place, where they can <br />live with respect, resources, restoration and justice; and <br />WHEREAS, in Indian River County, SafeSpace, Inc. joins forces with law <br />enforcement, victim service programs, criminal justice officials, social service organizations, and <br />concerned citizens throughout the County to fight domestic violence; and <br />WHEREAS, together, their commitment and compassion help to ensure that our <br />community steps forward to lend a hand to domestic violence victims in need. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that the Board recognizes and honors the month of <br />October, 2014, as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and furthermore expresses our <br />sincere appreciation for those committed to promoting peace and preventing domestic violence <br />in our community. <br />Adopted this 9th day of September, 2014. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />IN QII RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Wesley T Davis, ice Chairman <br />seph F. Flescher <br />Cka4L <br />Bob Solari <br />5 <br />