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F, <br />JUL a 199.0 <br />BOOK <br />PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND LOCATION: <br />Ocean Oaks subdivision is a proposed 19 lot subdivision of a <br />+ 11.54 acre parcel of land located at 1800 South State Road <br />A -1-A, immediately south of Genesea Subdivision. The subject <br />property is zoned RS -3, Single -Family Residential (up to 3 <br />units/acre) and has an L-1, Low Density (up to 3 units/acre) land <br />use designation. The proposed building density is ± 1.65 <br />units/acre. <br />At its regular meeting of July 27, 1989, the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission granted preliminary plat approval for the subdivision. <br />The owner's agent, McQueen and Associates, Inc., is now requesting <br />final plat approval and has submitted the following: <br />1. a final plat in conformance with the approved preliminary <br />plat; <br />2. a contract for construction of required improvements; <br />3. a Cash Deposit and Escrow Agreement securing the contract; and <br />4. an agreement between the applicant and Indian River County <br />regarding the construction of the sidewalk. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />The required improvements, with the exception of the sidewalk along <br />State Road A -1-A, and one hundred eleven (111) square yards of <br />cobblestone paving at the entrance to the subdivision, have been <br />constructed by the developer and have been inspected and deemed <br />acceptable by the Public Works Department and Utilities <br />Departments. A contract for construction for the cobblestone <br />paving has been submitted, as well as a cash deposit and escrow <br />agreement to secure the construction contract. The County <br />Attorney's office has reviewed and approved the submitted contract <br />for construction and cash deposit and escrow agreement. <br />The applicant has requested permission to pay off, rather than <br />escrow, their sidewalk obligation along State Road A -1-A. There <br />are presently no sidewalks north or south of the subject site and <br />the applicant feels that construction of the sidewalk would be an <br />unused improvement. The applicant wishes to enter into an <br />agreement with the county to pay the estimated cost of the <br />improvement and allow the county to determine the timing of the <br />construction of the sidewalk. The Public Works department and <br />County Attorney's Office have reviewed and deemed acceptable the <br />sidewalk agreement. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant final <br />plat approval for the Ocean Oaks Subdivision, approve the agreement <br />between the D -Y Associates, Inc., and Indian River County allowing <br />D -Y Associates, Inc., to pay off their sidewalk obligation, and <br />authorize the Chairman to execute the submitted contract for <br />Construction of required improvements, and accept the cash deposit <br />and escrow agreement which guarantees the construction contract. <br />10 <br />_I <br />