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JUL 31990 800K <br />Attorney George Moss, speaking on behalf of the proposed <br />Children's Services Council of Indian River County, explained <br />that he became involved in this through his membership in the <br />Board -of Governors of the 19th Judicial Circuit of The Florida <br />Bar, which adopted the Children's Service Council by a unanimous <br />vote at a recent meeting. They volunteered their services to a <br />local group that was already formed, and he wished to introduce <br />some of the members who have been part of their ad hoc committee <br />to approach the County Commission on this idea: Madeleine <br />LaPlante, mental health worker in the offices of Kenneth L. <br />Director, M.D. and Attorney Wayne McDonough, also a member of The <br />Florida Bar. In addition, we have guests from Martin County, <br />who have come to give their support to a neighboring county: <br />Harry Yates, director of the Children's Services Council; <br />chairman, Pam Roebuck; and vice chairman, Jody Bondsmith. Each <br />of the above individuals spoke of the dire need for more <br />children's services in this county, as well as in other counties, <br />and their support of the establishment of Children's Services <br />Council in Indian River County through the proposed resolution <br />and ordinance before the Board for their consideration today. <br />Attorney Moss submitted petitions signed by approximately <br />850 registered voters of Indian River County who are in favor of <br />establishing a Children's Services Council. <br />(PETITIONS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD:) <br />Attorney Moss explained that what they are here for today is <br />simply to ask the Board to let the people decide through a <br />referendum whether there should be a Children's Council of Indian <br />River County funded through the establishment of a special <br />independent taxing district. <br />Attorney Moss emphasized that for some reason society is not <br />doing its job, whether it is the parents, religion, or whatever, <br />and maybe the government isn't the person to answer, but right <br />now, we don't have many other choices. Who in Indian River <br />14 <br />