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i U L 17 1590 <br />BOOK <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 7/10/90: <br />`9 <br />TO: The Board of County Commi•.ssloners <br />FROM:,,ot William G. Collins II - Assistant County Attorney <br />DATE: July 10, 1990 <br />SUBJECT: Tourist Development Council Proposal to Revise <br />Section 22-253 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances <br />of Indian River County <br />At the June 6, 1990 meeting of the Tourist Development <br />Council, the Council proposed an ordinance revision which <br />would expand the authorized uses of tourist tax revenue to <br />be consistent with those authorized uses under state law. <br />Currently the County ordinance is more restrictive than <br />state law. <br />The following is an abbreviated summary of the authorized <br />uses of the revenue under existing County ordinance. <br />1. Convention center or sports stadium. <br />2. To promote and advertise tourism. <br />3. To fund tourist bureaus. <br />4. To finance beach improvements. <br />The proposed ordinance revision would add to Item 4 above <br />the enhancement of inland lakes and rivers to which there is <br />public access. It would also add a fifth category allowing <br />counties of less than 500,000 population to use tourist tax <br />revenues for museums, zoos, fishing piers 'or nature centers <br />which are publicly owned and operated or owned and operated <br />by not-for-profit organizations and opened to the public. <br />On June 19, 1990 the Board authorized advertising for public <br />hearing. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Recommend approval of the attached ordinance. <br />Commissioner Scurlock was concerned about the impact of <br />tourism on the rest of the community that has to live here year <br />around, travel our streets, and try to function during peak <br />tourist season. His suggestion would be that a certain portion <br />of those monies be reserved to mitigate the impact of tourism, <br />i.e. to make the roads wider, the community nicer and better able <br />to handle the tourists when they are are. If expanding this <br />helps accomplish that, he would support it, but if it just <br />10 <br />M <br />