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_ M M <br />roadway as it is now and the volume of traffic that this proposed <br />project would generate, it was determined that the level of <br />service probably would be reduced from "C" to "D", but that is <br />considered adequate in our Comp Plan. It was felt that it would <br />not go to LOS "E", based on just the general look that we took. <br />What we have been looking at in drafting a concurrency ordinance <br />that will be part of the land development regulations is that <br />when we apply concurrency to a project at the rezoning stage, <br />there would be no reservation of any capacity at that time <br />because there is no commitment to allow that project to go forth. <br />Therefore, the bottom line is that there would have to be another <br />traffic concurrency determination done for this piece of property <br />whenever they came in for development approval, and that would <br />involve a detailed traffic impact analysis which would be a lot <br />more specific as to the magnitude of the impacts and where they <br />would occur. <br />Returning to his presentation, Director Keating advised that <br />in the overall analysis staff looked at the three major issues of <br />compatibility, consistency and concurrency before coming up with <br />this recommendation for approval of the RM -6 zoning. The Board <br />can either approve or deny this request for RM -6 zoning or <br />approve another zoning that is less intense, between the current <br />RS -1 and RM -6. <br />Chairman Eggert inquired how the lack of capacity of <br />wastewater affects staff's attitude towards concurrency and their <br />recommendation for approval of the RM -6 zoning, and Director <br />Keating believed that the Board couldn't approve this rezoning if <br />the capacity isn't available and it doesn't meet the criteria in <br />our Comp Plan which states that it must be programmed and <br />provided for in a capital: budget. <br />Commissioner Scurlock emphasized that it doesn't meet those <br />characteristics because we don't even have a request for proposal <br />to design a south county plant. We only have <br />JUL 17 1990 <br />26 � F�;F. 6P 6 <br />