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resident would not have the option of carrying their garbage to <br />the various transfer stations. They actually could do so, but <br />collection would be provided at their home. This concept was <br />discussed several weeks ago but was not accepted by the <br />Commission and we are now looking at other options. <br />Mr. Ireland wished to know if the public can vote on <br />mandatory collection and was informed there will be a public <br />hearing on this before an ordinance can be adopted. <br />Mr. Simeone asked if the $52.80 on the tax bill is just for <br />operating the Landfill, and Administrator Chandler explained that <br />is the disposal cost per single family home and went into detail <br />as to how that charge is arrived at. <br />Mr. Simeone did not feel that $52.80 is a fair charge for a <br />couple in a single family home that does not generate that much <br />garbage. He personally felt everything a family generates should <br />be weighed. <br />Commissioner Scurlock advised that Seattle has an experi- <br />mental program based on weighing everything. We looked at that <br />program and also the cost effectiveness of implementing it based <br />on the fact that we have such a low tipping fee. He noted that <br />in West Palm Beach their WGU rate is almost $200 a ton, and in <br />Key West it is over $160 per ton. We have looked at the various <br />alternate technologies and have found the cheapest way to go is <br />what we are doing. <br />Jerry Keen, 39 year county resident, felt that it is a shame <br />that in the last 3 years he has had to deal with an unfair <br />situation in regard to the commercial aspect of this Landfill. <br />He stressed that he does not mind paying his. fair share, but he <br />has come before the Appeals Board over the last two years and has <br />pointed out the inadequacies and unfairness of the commercial <br />rate. The square foot concept is not working, and it is time the <br />Board considered changing it. Mr. Keen believed that you should <br />be charged for <br />what you actually put <br />in the Landfill. He <br />also <br />felt the fact <br />that the landlord gets <br />the bill rather than <br />the <br />E P 0 51990 <br />19®O <br />[,AGE <br />