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SE? 0 5 1990 <br />OMB Director Baird reported that the reserve is $1,179,852 <br />as of the last check run. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted thpt money all has been escrowed <br />and only can be spent for the Building%Department. He asked if <br />our total number of inspections is staying about the same, and <br />Administrator Chandler advised that although new construction has <br />slowed considerably, our number of inspections and our activity <br />is -increasing because repairs and alterations are increasing. <br />The Chairman determined that no one wished to be heard <br />regarding the Building Department budget and thereupon closed the <br />public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously (4-0) approved <br />a tentative budget of $1,106,194 for the Building <br />Department for FY 1990/91. <br />WATER & SEWER UTILITIES <br />Administrator Chandler announced that the total proposed <br />budget is $8,388,013, an increase of $2,522,893. We have several <br />significant increases all primarily related to two things which <br />are interrelated. Most notable is our system expansion in both <br />water and sewer. On top of that it has been mandated by the DER <br />that the wastewater plants be manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a <br />week. All this translates into the need for 26 additional <br />positions - 12 in sewer and 14 in water. Also, with the expan- <br />sion of the systems, there naturally are increases in basic <br />operating expenses. We do have a rate study under way, but with <br />the budget as presented, the expense increase is funded by the <br />increase in customer base and customer revenue. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone wished to be heard. There were <br />none, and she thereupon closed the public hearing. <br />28 <br />