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SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT <br />Administrator Chandler announced that the proposed budget is <br />$5,930,146, and it contains an overall increase of $640,881. <br />There are no individual line items that stand out; probably most <br />of the increase would be in the area of personnel with 3 <br />additional people at the landfill and one additional person for <br />recycling, as well as some equipment increases and salary <br />reserve. This budget is funded by our assessment of WGUs (Waste <br />Generation Units), and there is no change in the rate of $33 per <br />WGU for the next fiscal year. The $52.80 shown on the tax bill <br />is the disposal cost per single family home. <br />Chairman Eggert opened the public hearing and asked if <br />anyone wished to speak. There being none, she closed the public <br />hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 90-118, establishing an assessment rate of <br />$33.00 per Waste Generation Unit for the Solid Waste <br />Disposal District for fiscal year 1990/91. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 90- 118 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE <br />ASSESSMENT RATE TO BE LEVIED UPON ALL REAL AND - <br />PERSONAL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE SOLID WASTE <br />DISPOSAL DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 TO FUND <br />THE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT. <br />WHEREAS, the Budget Officer of Indian River County <br />prepared and presented to the County Commission a tentative <br />budget for the Solid Waste Disposal District of Indian River <br />County, Florida, for the fiscal year commencing on the first <br />6 <br />day of October, 1990, and ending on the 30th day of <br />September, 1991 addressing each of the funds therein as <br />provided by law, including all estimated receipts, taxes to <br />'SEP 12 1990 33 r :. PA';i. <br />