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S E P 12 1990 81 7 <br />VERO LAKE ESTATES MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT <br />Administrator Chandler announced that the total proposed <br />budget is $227,950, an overall increase of $150,000. This MSTU <br />was created a number of years ago to provide paving and drainage <br />with the Vero lake Estates area, and it is funded on a per <br />parcel/acre basis. The rolled -back millage does not apply. The <br />current year's charge is $15.00 per parcel/acre and the same <br />amount is proposed for the next fiscal year. In this coming <br />budget year, we would anticipate paving 101st Avenue, which is <br />approximately 1 mile, and we already have paved 87th Street, <br />which was 1.7 miles. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing on Vero lake Estates <br />MSTU and asked if anyone wished to be heard. There being none, <br />she closed the public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 90-120, establishing an assessment rate of <br />$15.00 per parcel/acre for the Vero Lake Estates <br />Municipal Service Taxing Unit for fiscal year 1990/91. <br />