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_I <br />NOV 13 S30 <br />HOOK 81 <br />Commissioner Scurlock knew that there is a lot of mixed <br />emotions in the community about having a mall, but he felt over <br />all, if you didn't site a mall, the consensus would be yes - the <br />controversy starts when you get site specific. He felt one thing <br />that has been learned from this exercise, is that this Land Use <br />and Growth Management Act that was passed and we are starting to <br />deal with is going to have a tremendous impact on the State of <br />Florida. He knew that some of his business friends are opposed <br />to the mall, but if we apply the same standards to those who open <br />a small store that we apply here where the small business owner <br />would have to supply 5 or 6 living units or day care spots, etc., <br />he believed we can come to a standstill on development in this <br />community. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that he frankly was not going to <br />vote for the mall because he did not feel the timing is right, <br />and that is the same conclusion DeBartolo has reached. He hoped <br />that in the future they can come back with an even higher class <br />mall because he believes the community does ultimately want an up <br />scale mall as long as all the impacts are dealt with. <br />Commissioner Wheeler commented that he obviously was the <br />minority here in opposing the mall, but he can only say that Mr. <br />Greco and his staff were gentlemen and professionals, and it was <br />a pleasure to work with them all this time. <br />Chairman Eggert concurred that it was a pleasure to work <br />with them and thanked them for the time and money spent. She <br />also realized that local small businesses were opposed, but noted <br />that inflation will go on, and if new development doesn't come in <br />to help with our tax base, the pressure on those who are here <br />will get greater and greater. <br />Commissioner Bird echoed those same sentiments. He believed <br />that what we are seeing today is only one example of things that <br />are going to occur around the state. He personally felt that the <br />Growth Management Act and the DCA's interpretation of it have <br />gone far beyond what was intended and felt that this in itself <br />24 <br />