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_ M <br />Commissioner Wheeler likened this situation to dealing with <br />the people in Sebastian about the proposed Twin Pairs for CR 512 <br />wherein we told them to go to the City of Sebastian first, and he <br />felt this matter should go to the City of Vero Beach first. <br />Attorney Barkett continued to present his clients' case and <br />argue at length that this is just the step needed to "get the <br />ball rolling." <br />Commissioner Scurlock emphasized that he personally told one <br />of Attorney Barkett's clients, Ralph Sexton, to go to the City <br />first and either he did not do that, or the City told him to <br />take a hike. <br />Attorney Barkett stated that what happened was that they <br />haven't given him an answer. <br />Commissioner Bird felt this complex a subject would take <br />many public hearings, and he did not see a problem with <br />scheduling one to get more dialogue on this. <br />Chairman Eggert also did not have a problem with having a <br />public hearing on this proposal with the understanding that we <br />are starting from ground zero. She did, however, have a problem <br />with asking the County to staff it as it was her understanding <br />that a lot more of this would be worked out before it came to <br />public hearing. She does not have a problem with the concept, <br />but there are a lot of ramifications, and she felt probably we <br />would be better off letting the Beach Committee and the City talk <br />about it first. <br />Commissioner Wheeler stated that in order for him to move <br />forward on this request, he would like the City of Vero Beach to <br />advise him of their position first. <br />Commissioner Scurlock commented that what he finds most <br />objectionable about this is that the City has had two elections <br />opposing it. You are talking about a project that is more than <br />90% within the City, and it seems those involved are trying an <br />"end run" to find some way to accomplish what they want. <br />Commissioner Bird pointed out that while the people most <br />affected are residents of the City, they are also County <br />residents. They are not getting the answer they want from the <br />City, and they see us as another alternative. <br />31 <br />Boor F -W.; - I <br />