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Commissioner Eggert felt possibly the second part of her memo <br />regarding a replacement for John Brenner should be tabled since we <br />have gotten more applications now and want to look at them. <br />Commissioner Scurlock was in favor of that and wished to raise <br />a question in regard to architects serving on that Board. There's. <br />been a substantial number of official conflicts of interest <br />declared by Mr. Brenner, and when you get four, five and six <br />abstentions in a given. year, he felt it raises a question as to <br />whether. or not an active architect or somebody actually in the <br />development business is not going to continue to have a.large <br />number of conflicts. Commissioner Scurlock felt very strongly that <br />when people come forward they should have a full Board to consider <br />their case. <br />Commissioner Eggert appreciated that but believed it depends <br />on the type of architecture you're doing, the type of law, or the <br />type of anything else you're doing. She felt what we should do <br />over the next week is find out what the potential for conflict of <br />interest is for the different applicants. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that there are two sides to that <br />argument because those are the guys who are out in the trenches <br />everyday dealing with these type of matters and they bring a <br />certain level of expertise rtise on the Board. <br />Commissioner Scurlock agreed that someone who has a limited <br />practice, such as an attorney who may not even do real estate law, <br />or maybe a retired architect who is not active in the business <br />right now, can lend that expertise and not have the number of <br />conflicts. <br />Chairman Bird suggested that since this is an "at large" <br />appointment ' <br />and it doesn't really call for any particular area of <br />expertise, that we leave the field open for another week. <br />Commissioner Wheeler suggested tabling it for next two weeks <br />since it seems that a number of people want to apply and we are <br />still receiving applications. <br />Chairman Bird agreed we will leave the position open for <br />another two weeks and directed Staff to reagenda it accordingly. <br />COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AND RE -APPOINTMENTS <br />Chairman Bird noted that we have"a pretty lengthy list so he - <br />will just read the name of the committee and unless somebody wants <br />to discuss that committee or the appointments to it, we will just <br />move on. If there is no discussion, he will consider that <br />committee will be reappointed as listed. The members of the Board <br />agreed. <br />30 <br />M M M <br />