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Commissioner Flescher opposed the Motion. He was concerned about the possibility of <br />having to repurchase $6 million of assets if the privatization does not go well; he believed it <br />would negatively impact the level of service provided to citizens; and he wanted the Board to let <br />the SWDD employees try to adjust their costs. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan shared Commissioner Flescher's concerns regarding the disposal <br />of the equipment, which would leave the County with a huge start-up cost should the County <br />resume Landfill and Convenience Center operations. He presented further arguments opposing <br />Bid Item No. 2 which included the need to stop cutting jobs, and the large number of <br />communications he had received supporting the. County's retention of the Convenience Centers. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and by a 3-2 <br />vote (Commissioners Flescher & O'Bryan opposed), the <br />Motion carried. The Board approved (1) Bid Item No. 2: <br />the Bid Award to Republic Services of Florida, LP based on <br />an approximate annual savings of $366,834; and (2) <br />authorized the Purchasing Manager to dispose of the <br />surplus equipment in accordance with Florida Statutes, as <br />recommended in the memorandum of November 9, 2010. <br />ALL BACKUP DOCUMENTATION, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ARE ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AND ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THESE MINUTES <br />5 <br />November 16, 2010 <br />S.W.D.D. <br />