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8.D. REQUEST TO APPROVE PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA <br />INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS ON <br />THE FLINN TRACT OF THE LAGOON GREENWAY <br />Chairman O'Bryan applauded members of the Indian River Land Trust and Executive <br />Director Ken Grudens for their work on the Lagoon Greenway Project. He noted that this was a <br />prime example of private non-profit groups coordinating with local governments to improve the <br />quality of life in the community. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Davis, the Board unanimously approved <br />and authorized the Chairman to execute the Florida Inland <br />Navigation. District Project Agreement, Project No IR-lO- <br />47, for Phase A of the Lagoon Greenway Project as <br />recommended in the memorandum of October 14, 2010. <br />AGREEMENT ON FILE rN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />8.E. LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR FEDERAL GRANT FOR BIOMASS RESEARCH <br />USING ALGAE FROM EGRET MARSH REGIONAL STORMWATER PARK <br />Chairman O'Bryan conveyed that the County is applying for a federal grant to study the <br />feasibility of using the algae as biofuel. He pointed out that the County would be compensated <br />for growing the algae, while at the same time cleaning up the canal water, and commended <br />County Stormwater Engineer Keith McCully for his work on this matter. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously <br />authorized the Board to execute a support letter for the <br />7 <br />November 2, 2010 <br />