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ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED <br />by Chairman O'Bryan, the Board unanimously approved <br />for the County to issue a check in the amount of <br />$144,874.00, to the County Sheriff's Department, with <br />$26,077.32 to be used for payment to the consulting firm <br />of Justice Benefits, Inc., and the balance of $118,796.68 to <br />augment funds needed for inmate care, as requested in the <br />letter of October 26, 2010. <br />10. PUBLIC ITEMS <br />1O.A. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />10.A.1. COUNTY INITIATED REQUEST TO AMEND THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS <br />ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (LEGISLATIVE) <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />Community Development Director Robert Keating, through a PowerPoint presentation <br />(on file), provided a comprehensive overview and analysis on the County -initiated request to <br />amend the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. He outlined <br />the proposed changes to the CIE, which include removal of Priority Transportation Capital <br />Improvements (Appendix B), updates reflecting less revenue to the existing revenue information, <br />and updates to the 5 -year Capital Improvements Program (CIP). He noted that under the five- <br />year projected Transportation Revenue, the bonding of the additional option local gas tax in <br />FY2014/2015 shows a yield of $44,805.166 in FY 2014/2015. Director Keating confirmed that <br />there is enough revenue to accommodate the expenditures which are reflected in the CIE and <br />asked the Board to adopt the proposed Ordinance amending the Capital Improvements Element. <br />17 <br />November 2, 2010 <br />