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12.A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />12.A.1. REQUEST FOR A UTHORIZA TION TO ABATE RECURRENCE OF A PUBLIC <br />NUISANCE ON AN UNMAINTAINED GOLF COURSE WITHIN VISTA <br />GARDENS MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT (LANDOWNER: VISTA GOLF <br />LLC; CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE No. 2009060086) <br />Roland DeBlois, Chief of Environmental Planning and Code Enforcement, used a <br />PowerPoint presentation (on file), to present background description, history, and analysis <br />pertaining to a recurring situation involving overgrown weeds on an unmaintained golf course <br />located within Vista Gardens, and owned by Vista Golf, LLC He recalled that on May 18, 2010, <br />the Board voted to continue with periodic mowing, pending a potential sale from the owner to <br />the neighboring condominium, Vista Royale, with the costs recorded as a lien. Chief DeBlois <br />conveyed staffs recommendation for the Board to once again authorize the hiring of a contractor <br />to mow the golf course at the subject site. <br />Commissioner Flescher supported the mowing, in order to maintain the quality of life for <br />the Vista Gardens residents. However, he could not understand why Vista Golf, LLC was <br />having the golf course at Vista Royale mowed, while continuing to accrue fees and penalties for <br />the overgrown weeds at the Gardens. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to approve staff's <br />recommendation. <br />Attorney Polacicwich responded to Commissioner Davis's inquiry on who has clear title <br />to the Vista Gardens Golf Course. He advised that his research has indicated that the only lien <br />that has priority over the County's is a tax lien of the Florida Department of Revenue. <br />22 <br />November 2, 2010 <br />