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Proclamation Honoring Claude "Bud" Kleckner <br />Chairman Bird read aloud the following Proclamation honoring <br />Claude "Bud" Kleckner for his service on the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission and presented it to Mr. Kleckner: <br />P R O C L A M A T I O N <br />HONORING CLAUDE C. "BUD" KLECKNER <br />FOR HIS SERVICE ON THE <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />WHEREAS, Claude C. "Bud" Kleckner served on the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission from 1986 to January, 1991; and <br />WHEREAS, he always exhibited a special concern for natural <br />resource protection and conservation matters; and <br />WHEREAS, "Bud" Kleckner provided an environmental protection <br />perspective to the deliberations of the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, "Bud" is now using his expertise effectively on the <br />County's Land Acquisition Advisory Committee: <br />WHEREAS, he spent many hours working on the comprehensive <br />plan and the land development regulations, particularly the <br />conservation and coastal zone elements of the comprehensive plan: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />C014MISSIONERS of Indian River County, Florida, that special <br />thanks and appreciation be given to Claude C. "Bud" Kleckner for <br />his years of diligent service on the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission, and <br />The Board further extends to "Bud" Kleckner best wishes in <br />all his future endeavors. <br />Adopted this 12th day of February, 1991. <br />3 <br />FEB 199 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />Indian River County, Florida <br />Richard N. Bird, Chairman <br />