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Exhibit #1 (Scope of Work)WO # 7 <br />08/25/2014 Sewer Design For N. Seb stian Area <br />Page 3 ile #1422 <br />Task A — Civil Engineering Services <br />Masteller & Moler, Inc. will provide final design, prepare construction plans and permit <br />applications for the project as described in the "Scope of Services" section of this proposal. <br />Task B — Surveying Services <br />Masteller, Moler & Taylor, Inc. will perform surveying services for the project as foll ws: <br />1) Project initiation, including review of existing deeds and surreys, files and field notes, <br />preparation of work orders and field crew folders. <br />2) Find, recover and measure field ties into existing survey control along the route to <br />establish the rights of way and baseline of survey. Tie Horizontal Control to Florida <br />State Plane Coordinate System, Florida East Zone, NAD 83. <br />3) Find and recover existing vertical control. Elevations shall be based upon tie North <br />American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) with a conversion to the National <br />Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) provided. Perform bench run and <br />establish benchmarks along the survey corridor at maximum 1,000 foot interva is. <br />4) Field monument baseline control at maximum 1,000 foot intervals. Control po nts shall <br />consist of iron rod and cap or nail and disk. Control points shall be desig ated on <br />survey with station/offset and NAVD `88 elevation. <br />5) Field locate and record vertical ground elevations sufficient to generate a centBr line of <br />road profile for the main corridor and side streets and all distinct locations (inverts, <br />retention areas, swales, ditches etc.) and changes in contour along the rig t of way <br />corridor. Obtain ground elevation on each property in center of lot if vacan or near <br />existing septic location to the best of our abilities. If septic location not obtainable, <br />obtain ground elevation near existing main building. <br />6) Field locate and record existing improvements and man-made features within the right <br />of way, including but not limited to, roads, swales, driveways, culverts, sig age and <br />mailboxes, visible utilities, fences etc. within the existing Right -of -Way. <br />7) Field locate and identify limits of vegetation and trees, 4" or larger within the right of <br />way limits. <br />8) Locate and obtain ground elevation at approximately (10) soil borings locations as <br />determined by the engineer. <br />9) Process field data and determine limits of existing North Central Avenue, Davis Street, <br />Madison Street, Jackson Street, U.S. Highway # 1 and Roseland Road right-of-ways. <br />Prepare survey drawing in accordance with Minimum Technical Standards including <br />cover sheet with location sketch, related title and project number, notes legend, <br />abbreviations and plan view sheets. Prepare final deliverables. <br />10) Research property description, deeds etc. for proposed easement and prepare one <br />legal description and sketch as applicable. Location to be determined by the engineer. <br />