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Brownfields Site Assessment <br /> June 2014 <br /> South Gifford Road LamfflIL Vero Beach,Florida <br /> thin layers of clay, sand and clay, and clayey sand, which comprise a semi-confining zone <br /> overlying the Tamiami Formation. <br /> 2.5 Aquifer Properties and Groundwater Flow <br /> Geosyntec performed aquifer testing in March 2001 to evaluate the hydraulic properties of the <br /> shallow unconsolidated sands within the surficial aquifer system (20 to 55 It BLS). Aquifer <br /> testing activities were summarized in the June 2001 report titled: "Interim Pump and Treat <br /> System Supporting Activities, Construction, and Start-Up Report". The aquifer testing activities <br /> which included groundwater pumping from recovery well RW-1, yielded the following results: <br /> (i) mean hydraulic conductivity (K) was estimated to be 142 ft/day; (ii) mean transmissivity was <br /> estimated to be 6,400 ft squared (ft2)/day; and(iii)mean storativity was estimated to be 0.001. <br /> Based on depth to water measurements collected sitewide as part of the semi-annual groundwater <br /> monitoring activities ongoing at the Site since 2002, groundwater flow is generally toward the <br /> southeast in the vicinity of the Site. <br /> FR076611 5 7!8/2014 <br />