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Brownfields Site Assessment <br /> June 2014 <br /> South Gifford Road Landfill, Vero Beach,Florida <br /> locations in 2014, the excavation footprint from the aggressive source removal, historical Site <br /> knowledge, and test pits excavations completed in 2008 and 2014. The probes were completed <br /> at the surface as a stickup with an expansion cap equipped with a quick-connect sampling port at <br /> the top of the well. Tubing was affixed to the quick-connect port and subsurface soil gas was <br /> field screened for approximately 60 seconds for methane, oxygen, and carbon dioxide <br /> concentrations using a GEM2000 LFG analyzer. Since there are historical VOC groundwater <br /> impacts at the Site, subsurface soil gas was also field screened for VOCs using a MiniRae 3000 <br /> PID. <br /> Three air samples were collected using a flow controller and summa canister and submitted to <br /> Accutest for analysis of VOCs using USEPA Method TO-15. Each soil gas probe location was <br /> surveyed for northing and casting using a GPS unit with sub-meter accuracy. <br /> 3.5 Management of Investieation-Derived Waste <br /> Soil IDW generated during soil gas probe installation activities was containerized in 55-gallon <br /> drums. The drums were labeled and have been temporarily stored on-site pending laboratory <br /> analysis and waste characterization. <br /> FRO766H 8 7/8/2014 <br />