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they were representing the people/constituents, not themselves. He voiced <br /> concerns over customers paying excessive rates that they cannot afford, <br /> and having to move from one area to another so they can afford their <br /> rates. <br /> 10:38 Mayor Barefoot asked Councilmember Turner, who sits on the FMPA <br /> a.m. Board, to inform everyone of what she expects regarding the City's rates <br /> going forward. <br /> 10:38 Councilmember Turner provided an update and pointed out that in her <br /> a.m. last Board meeting, there was an increase for the Stanton I and II <br /> contracts, which means that for the 2014-2015 budget year, the costs for <br /> those two projects would be 20% to 26% higher than they were the year <br /> before, and the capital investment will be paid for by the rates. She <br /> suggested when the negotiations begin, everyone start with what is agreed <br /> upon,which is the complete sale to FPL. She asked that each group assign <br /> a representative to meet and decide the best way to move forward with the <br /> sale. <br /> 10:41 A brief discussion ensued regarding the Sunshine Law. <br /> a.m. <br /> Mayor Barefoot wanted to give the mediation process a try since there was <br /> 10:43 so much expertise - attorneys, CPA's, and those with experience in finance <br /> a.m. and negotiating. He suggested waiting until after the November election <br /> to see who wished to be part of such a group. He was sure the Town <br /> would be willing to participate in resolving the issues with rate parity <br /> before the Franchise Agreement expires. <br /> 10:44 Mayor Winger responded to questions regarding investments in <br /> a.m. infrastructure, and further discussed reduced transfers, return on <br /> investments, previous City Councils, and rate sustainability. <br /> 10:54 Councilmember Haverland confirmed with Councilmember Turner, that <br /> a.m. when she mentioned there would be a 20+% change in rates, that it would <br /> affect 40% of the businesses, and applauded everyone's efforts to reduce <br /> costs. <br /> 10:55 Mayor Barefoot concluded that there was an impasse, and asked <br /> a.m. respective councils to design a mediation process that would move <br /> forward with the next step. <br /> 10:56 Facilitator Clem asked for a show of hands for those who believed an <br /> a.m. impasse was reached, and there was CONSENSUS. <br /> Joint Public Meeting <br /> October 28,2014 Page 8 <br />