Urban Water Quality and Fertilizer Ordinances:Avoidina Unintended Conseauences:A Review.... 2
<br /> Reasons for this publication impact on the land is increasing.For example,in the
<br /> United States,during the decade of 1982-1992,
<br /> This publication was developed to serve the need there were 1.4 million acres converted to urban
<br /> for educational information on the urban landscape development,and there were 2.2 million acres
<br /> nutrient and water management issues,especially converted during the 5-year period of 1992-1997
<br /> pertaining to protecting urban and coastal water (USDA,NRCS,2005).It is well documented that
<br /> quality.Eutrophication of water bodies is a major urbanization changes land cover and hydrology and
<br /> problem faced by the state,counties,and leads to"unintended consequences"on urban
<br /> municipalities;their officials are asking for more ecosystems that include altered nutrient flows(Roach
<br /> information to assist them in making decisions about et al. 2008).
<br /> legislation for protecting water quality.Educators,
<br /> county extension agents,representatives of Human influences lead to point and non-point
<br /> non-governmental organizations,and leaders of the source nutrient pollution of water bodies causing
<br /> fertilizer,turf,nursery,and landscape maintenance degradation or impairment of the water bodies for
<br /> industries also are asking WAS for information about their intended uses,such as recreation,fishing,
<br /> how to best protect the environment.This document drinking water,irrigation,etc.Nitrogen(N)and
<br /> is a review of the scientific literature addressing the phosphate(P)are often involved in eutrophication
<br /> major questions being asked about fertilization because these are two limiting nutrients for algal
<br /> practices for turfgrass. growth in most natural water bodies.Earlier research
<br /> reports therefore focused on N or P,but Paerl(2009)
<br /> This document consists of three major sections. pointed out that today N and P must be managed
<br /> The first section reviews the science about the together to control eutrophication in the
<br /> eutrophication problem for urban and coastal water freshwater-marine water system.
<br /> bodies,and the sources of nutrients that lead to water
<br /> pollution.The second section of the document Cleanup of impaired water bodies is required
<br /> presents the current state of the scientific knowledge under the total maximum daily load(TMDL)
<br /> about fertilizer and irrigation management in urban program(US,EPA,2010;FDEP 2009a),which
<br /> landscapes with emphasis on turfgrass health and places severe economic burdens on local
<br /> water quality.The final section summarizes some of governments(Baker,2007).In addition to the costs
<br /> the approaches that are being used in the United to local governments,harmful algal blooms were
<br /> States to deal with the nutrient problem.There are determined to result in significant revenue losses for
<br /> regulatory and incentive-based programs that include local businesses on the panhandle of Florida,even
<br /> BMPs,educational programs,and rules that restrict more than other environmental events such as tropical
<br /> fertilization.Our goal is to take the reader through the storms and rains(Larkin and Adams,2007).Nutrient
<br /> process:learning about the pollution issue,the enrichment of Florida waters is a serious and costly
<br /> sources of pollutants,management of nutrients in the issue and must be addressed in an informed and
<br /> urban landscape,and the most effective approaches comprehensive process.Before a comprehensive
<br /> being undertaken to reduce the nutrient loading nutrient management process can be determined,
<br /> problem. however,we must understand the various sources of
<br /> nutrients causing the problems in urban water
<br /> Section 1. Introduction to the Issue bodies.
<br /> of Urban Nutrient Pollution
<br /> Urban land-based nutrient sources and
<br /> Eutrophication or nutrient enrichment of fresh impacts
<br /> and coastal waters is a serious and growing concern
<br /> (Diaz and Rosenberg,2008;Heisler et al.,2008). Research has pointed to many sources of
<br /> Eutrophication is largely the result of human nutrients contributing to increased nutrient loads and
<br /> activities in managing land,energy,plants,nutrients, eutrophication of surface waters throughout the world
<br /> and wastes(Selman and Greenhalgh,2009).Human (Alcock,2007;Baker,2007;Gilbert et al.,2005;
<br /> Heisler et al.,2008).Impairment of urban water
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