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BOOK V fvIJ <br />99th Street, and he,puts his sailboats back of his house on the <br />canal. The neighbors have no problem with that, and he would be <br />extremely nervous about leaving them anywhere else. <br />Attorney Collins had another point relating to Mr. Davis <br />using the northeast pull -off, and the other issue relates to <br />workmen's compensation which you must have unless you have only <br />officers and executives of the company working for you. Mr. <br />Collins advised that he has learned that the 4 workers are <br />officers and directors, and he would like to have a copy of the <br />corporation's agreement agreement about that for our files. He <br />continued that most all these points have been worked out, but it <br />has taken a lot of time on the phone and he wanted the Board to <br />know about it. We do now have the insurance so there is no need <br />either to modify or terminate the agreement. <br />Mr. Davis referred back to his use of the northeast quadrant <br />pull -off. He informed the Board that he has a verbal agreement <br />with the manager of Sailboat Center who also has a license <br />agreement. They need to have an on -shore breeze for the wind <br />surfers, and if there is a need for them to be on the windward <br />side, he is willing to move his operation for that day. He noted <br />that he does prefer the northeast pull -off and further noted that <br />his operation takes up only about 50' of the shoulder. <br />Chairman Bird inquired about the hours of operation, asking <br />if they are 9:00 to 6:00 or dawn to dusk. <br />Mr. Davis stated that actually nothing happens until at <br />least 9:00 or 10:00 A.M. and he does not mind the hours of actual <br />operation being 9:00 to 6:00, but he does have to tow the boats <br />over there earlier and bring them back later than those hours. <br />It was felt the agreement could be modified accordingly. <br />Chairman Bird asked that Mr. Davis be sure to conform to the <br />County codes on signage and also not park his vehicle up adjacent <br />to the pavement but closer to the water. <br />Mr. Davis advised that the vehicle is moved closer to the <br />water and he only has a banner sign on it which he rolls up and <br />removes at night. He stressed that he does not leave the truck <br />there overnight, but he does get it there very early in the <br />morning. <br />Discussion then ensued regarding water skiing, and Mr. Davis <br />stated that he will have insurance coverage, and he will be the <br />only one running the ski boat; he will not rent that out. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if we can exclude jet skis or <br />wave runners, and Mr. Davis agreed the new agreement could <br />exclude them. <br />Chairman Bird commented that to him the skiing is <br />questionable because we need to be aware of the neighboring <br />60 <br />