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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:10 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:40:25 AM
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L <br />S.E I y� <br />BOOK S 4 <br />ROSELAND_ROAD _STREET _LIGHTING -DISTRICT <br />Chairman Bird asked that Public Works Director Davis explain <br />the charge for the Roseland Road Street Lighting District. <br />Director Davis- informed those present that about a year ago, <br />the Board responded to a petition submitted by the Roseland <br />Property Owners Association, a fairly large group with a good <br />cross section of people from that area. This group requested <br />street lighting on the Roseland Road corridor. Basically with <br />the Sebastian River bordering this district to the north and the <br />Sebastian Airport to the south, it actually creates a linear <br />geologic area. All the subdivisions that branch off of Roseland <br />Road have to use Roseland Road itself for their ingress and <br />egress. There are no connections into the City of Sebastian to <br />Main Street to the south, and, therefore, Director Davis felt <br />this was a linear concise community. He explained that due to <br />the geographic characteristics of that area, when the Roseland <br />Street Lighting District was developed, we proposed that we <br />include in the benefitted area all those areas that have to use <br />Roseland Road for ingress and egress. Mr. Davis pointed out on a <br />map the boundaries of the district, and advised it is staff's <br />feeling that all the property within the District benefits from <br />the street lighting along Roseland Road, and the District is <br />levying $6.00 per parcel/acre, which he felt is a minimal cost. <br />Mr. Fred Mensing, resident of Roseland, advised that those <br />who are complaining about the assessment live in Section 30, and <br />according to the map referred to Mr. Davis, they are not included <br />in the District; so, either his TRIM Notice is wrong or the map <br />is incorrect. <br />Director Davis explained that the map in question does not <br />contain that particular section. There is one area that does go <br />south of what is shown on the map, and it is established in the <br />legal description written into the District. He believed that <br />Mr. Mensing has to use Roseland Road for ingress and egress to <br />his property. <br />Mr. Mensing advised that he is not objecting to being <br />included in the District, but he is objecting to the method of <br />billing per parcel/acre. Specifically, in this Section 30, they <br />have one county street that penetrates it for 1/4 mile - 129th <br />St. - and they have a street which penetrates that Section which <br />they share with the City of Sebastian - 130th St. It is because <br />of the lack of penetration of public streets that he brings the <br />objection forward, not for paying something but in regard to <br />paying more than their fair share for more than they can benefit. <br />Mr. Mensing then referred to Lot 7 in this Section owned by Louis <br />Simone, which Mr. Simone has the ability to subdivide and make <br />48 <br />
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