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0V 12 10 BUCK 84 Fu`148 <br />indicates that the Urban Service Area (USA) is shown as an overlay <br />on the Future Land Use Map. That, however, is not the case; <br />instead, the USA is part of the Future Land Use Map, not overlaid <br />on it. Revision of this policy would add clarity and reduce <br />confusion. _ <br />With this policy change, the county has the options of transmitting <br />as recommended, as revised, or not transmitting. <br />Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water Sub -Elements <br />Water and Sewer Connection Matrix <br />Several problems associated with Lhe water and sewer connection <br />The County has initiated amendments to these two policies that <br />provide the opportunity to use centralized utilities outside of the <br />18 <br />matrix were described in the description section.of this report. <br />As indicated in that section, the matrix is difficult to understand <br />and confusing. This lack of clarification has required staff <br />.''.'interpretation <br />and specific decisions in applying the matrix to <br />different situations. <br />Besides the clarification problem, *various substantive issues have <br />' <br />arisen with respect to the matrix. The matrix, as it is, will not <br />capture all uses generating significant amounts of sewage and using <br />_significant <br />amounts of water. Therefore, the matrix is not <br />effective in achieving its principal purposes of preventing health <br />problems,. eliminating urban sprawl, controlling growth, encouraging <br />infill development, and providing for the logical extension of <br />utility services.,'.. <br />To address this issue, the Professional Service Advisory Committee <br />`(PSAC)-reviewed <br />the connection matrix and considered the matrix's're` <br />.'.',,:objectives. <br />As a result of its analysis, the PSAC determined that <br />-' <br />aflow threshold of 2000 gallons per day instead of a building area ; <br />-'' <br />threshold of 5000 square feet would be more logical and rational.. <br />The new threshold is based on technical criteria for use of <br />centralized and on-site systems. It is the position of the PSAC <br />' <br />that a flow threshold will better identify those uses which should <br />connect to a centralized system by recognizing use characteristics, <br />g. . <br />as opposed to a strict square footage measure which does not,• <br />`,'address <br />water and sewer consumption/generation. <br />The County has several alternatives regarding the matrix. One is <br />to take no action on this proposed change and not transmit the <br />.F <br />revised connection matrix to the DCA. Another is to approve this <br />revised connection matrix and transmit it to the DCA. A third is <br />to revise the matrix further and transmit the revised matrix to. <br />DCA. <br />Policies 5.9 and 6.1 of the Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water Sub - <br />Elements <br />Policies 5.9 and 6.1 limit the use of centralized water and sewer <br />- <br />systems to the urban service areas of the county. When the County <br />adopted these two policies, the intent was to limit the utilization <br />of centralized water and sewer systems to areas within the USA, <br />since the area outside of the USA is characterized by very low <br />density development. However, as part of the compliance agreement <br />with DCA, the County adopted policies which require clustering of <br />residential development within Agricultural Districts, <br />Conservation- D1sLricts,- aad Mixed Use Districts. While- this - <br />clustering of residential development will have a significant <br />benefit in protection of agricultural lands and preservation of <br />environmentally sensitive lands, its usefulness will be restricted <br />without the use of centralized water and sewer systems. Not only <br />will such systems allow for more clustering (higher densities in <br />smaller areas of a site), but such systems will also have a <br />- <br />beneficial environmental effect on ground and surface water bodies. <br />The County has initiated amendments to these two policies that <br />provide the opportunity to use centralized utilities outside of the <br />18 <br />