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r I <br />84 F -L 778 <br />that the county landfill can accommodate the additional solid <br />waste. <br />-Drainage <br />Because of the drainage characteristics existing in this area, the <br />county -engineer has indicated that special drainage conditions <br />should be applied to any single family residential building permit <br />approval in this area. These conditions which will be applied to <br />each lot at the time of the single family concurrency review will <br />specify that the applicant shall use shallow swales to collect and <br />store''runoff from the site for attenuation and .treatment purposes <br />prior to direction to the canal system. so as to eliminate standing <br />nuisance water in inappropriate areas. With these conditions, <br />48 <br />All developments are reviewed for compliance with county stormwater <br />regulations which require on-site retention and minimum finished <br />floor elevations. In addition, development proposals will have to <br />meet the discharge requirements of the county Stormwater Management <br />Ordinance. Since the subject property is located within the M-5 <br />Drainage Basin and no discharge rate has been set for this basin, <br />any development on the property will be prohibited from discharging <br />any run-off in excess of the pre -development rate. <br />In this case, the minimum floor elevation level of service <br />standards do apply, since portions of the property are located <br />within a floodplain. As per Drainage Objective. 1, as well as <br />Drainage Policy 1.1, "New development requiring major site plan <br />approval or subdivision platting shall construct a complete <br />drainage system to mitigate the impacts of a 25 year/24 hour design <br />rainfall using the Soil Conservation Service. Type 2 Modified <br />Rainfall curves. Post development runoff shall not exceed pre - <br />development runoff unless a maximum discharge rate has been adopted <br />for the applicable drainage basin and the discharge does not exceed <br />' <br />:that rate." Consistent with Drainage Policy 1.2, "All new <br />buildings shall have the lowest habitable floor elevation no lower <br />than the elevation of the 100 year flood elevation as shown on the <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency (FIRM) or as defined in a more <br />detailed study report." <br />Parts of the site, especially along the ditches, are located within <br />Flood Zone A, which is a special flood hazard area located within <br />the 100-yearfloodplain. No minimum elevation standard is <br />` <br />specified for the A flood zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for <br />this portion of the county. The remainder of the property is <br />`r <br />located in Flood Zone X, which is located outside the 500 -year <br />floodplain and is classified a minimal flood zone area. <br />Both the on-site retention and discharge standards of the drainage <br />- <br />sub -element also apply to this request. With the most intense use <br />,Frrq <br />¢ <br />of this site, the maximum impervious surface area for the proposed'=: <br />request will be 890,000 square feet. The maximum run-off volume <br />�- <br />'for the design storm, based upon the amount of impervious surface,-.rr�_' <br />will be 5,000 cubic feet for each unit or 890,000 cubic feet for'. <br />�.:. <br />the total 178 units. In order to maintain the county's adopted,,' <br />level of service, the applicant will be required to retain 74,000 <br />cubic feet of run-off in swales. It is estimated that the pre- <br />development,run-off rate is 24.25 cubic feet per second. <br />Based upon staff's analysis, the 'drainage level of service <br />standards will be met by limiting off-site discharge to its pre - <br />development rate of 24.25 cubic feet per second and requiring <br />retention of the 74,000 cubic feet- of run-off for the most <br />intensive use of the property. Since no minimum floor elevation <br />ha"s been established in this area on the FIRM maps, the level of <br />service standards for minimum floor elevation will be met at the <br />time of building permit approval. At that time the lowest <br />habitable floor elevation, consistent with Drainage Policy 1.2, <br />will be determined by the design engineer and approved by_the <br />building department. - <br />Because of the drainage characteristics existing in this area, the <br />county -engineer has indicated that special drainage conditions <br />should be applied to any single family residential building permit <br />approval in this area. These conditions which will be applied to <br />each lot at the time of the single family concurrency review will <br />specify that the applicant shall use shallow swales to collect and <br />store''runoff from the site for attenuation and .treatment purposes <br />prior to direction to the canal system. so as to eliminate standing <br />nuisance water in inappropriate areas. With these conditions, <br />48 <br />