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Nov <br />occurred since the 1990 adoption of the comprehensive plan. Such <br />changes could relate to the property itself, such as an unforeseen <br />adjacent incompatible use being established or a significant change <br />in adjacent development patterns occurring. <br />Regarding the 888 acre request, staff is of the opinion that this <br />land use amendment request to AG -1 is warranted based on an <br />oversight which occurred when the county adopted the -compliance <br />agreement to the comprehensive plan on June 18, 1991. The subject <br />property's land use designation was AG, Agricultural (up to 1 <br />unit/5 acres), prior to implementation of the compliance agreement. <br />In June of 1991, the county changed the land use of the property to <br />its current land use designation of AG -2, which will allow half the <br />AG -1 density. <br />It is staff's position that the proposed land use change would not <br />provide justification for adjacent property owners to the west_ and <br />south to request a higher residential land use designaLi.un. iii! <br />surrounding area is predominantly agricultural in use, and it is <br />projected that the agricultural use will remain as such for the <br />next twenty years. <br />- Future Land Use Policy 1.8 <br />Future Land Use Policy 1.8 states that the agricultural land use <br />designation is .intended for uses such as agricultural uses, <br />recreation uses and residential uses. Since the subject property <br />is located outside the urban service area and the applicant <br />50 <br />M <br />When the comprehensive plan was adopted in February, 1990, there <br />was only one agricultural land use designation; this was AG, which <br />allowed a density of one (1) unit per five (5) acres. As part of <br />its compliance agreement with DCA, the county reduced its <br />residential allocation ratio by several means. One way in which <br />this ratio was reduced involved redesignating_ the county's <br />agriculturally designated land into three land use categories: AG - <br />1, (1 unit/5 acres); AG -2, (1 unit/10 acres); and AG -3, (1 <br />unit/20 acres). At that time, staff was aware that a transition <br />was needed between the higher density areas within the City of <br />Fellsmere .and the Plat of Homewood, and the adjacent AG -2, <br />Agricultural -2, land use designation. As a result, a transitional <br />density of the AG -1 land use was applied to a portion of the land <br />surrounding the Fellsmere and Homewood areas to the east, north and <br />northwest. An oversight, however, was made regarding the <br />establishment of a transitional area for the portion of land to the <br />}{>> <br />southwest and south of the Fellsmere and Homewood areas. Based on <br />its more detailed analysis, it is staff's opinion that a_' <br />transitional land use designation should be established in the <br />areas southwest and south of the Fellsmere and Homewood areas. <br />' <br />Any proposed land use amendment that would increase density must be <br />evaluated to determine the effect of additional dwelling units on <br />the county residential allocation ratio. This ratio is the : <br />relationship between the number of residential units allowed by the. ' <br />plan and the number needed within the plan's 20 year time horizon ,, <br />1 -.,=.- <br />based on population projections. In its compliance agreement with." <br />DCA, the county established a residential allocation ratio -of 4.48. <br />kti <br />This 4.48 ratio was based on the following formula: <br />Projected # of Units (119739) -Existing Units (26000) <br />Additional Units Needed Between 1991-2010 (20887) <br />While the proposed land use plan amendment would increase the <br />number of units that could be built on the subject property from 88 <br />to 178, this would have no effect on the residential allocation <br />ratio. No change in the ratio would occur because both the <br />existing land use designation and the proposed designation are non- <br />urban categories, and the county's residential allocation ratio <br />considered only those units which could be built within the urban <br />service area. <br />It is staff's position that the proposed land use change would not <br />provide justification for adjacent property owners to the west_ and <br />south to request a higher residential land use designaLi.un. iii! <br />surrounding area is predominantly agricultural in use, and it is <br />projected that the agricultural use will remain as such for the <br />next twenty years. <br />- Future Land Use Policy 1.8 <br />Future Land Use Policy 1.8 states that the agricultural land use <br />designation is .intended for uses such as agricultural uses, <br />recreation uses and residential uses. Since the subject property <br />is located outside the urban service area and the applicant <br />50 <br />M <br />