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are using figures that the DOT would use at this stage of the <br />project. <br />Councilman Oberbeck asked if traffic signalization cost for <br />the intersection of Louisiana Avenue and the north leg is <br />included, and Director Davis advised that the current counts are <br />not at the traffic signal warrant threshold at this time. <br />Councilman Oberbeck believed you would increase the traffic <br />flow at that intersection with the attraction of the new super- <br />market at Chesser Gap, but Director Davis pointed out that if <br />this were a one-way road, that movement could be more efficient. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked Mr. Godfrey's opinion as to <br />whether using the DOT methodology is a reasonable and acceptable <br />way to come up with costs at this stage. <br />Mr. Godfrey confirmed that is a standard approach, and he <br />agreed the portion of the cost that has been calculated does use <br />DOT numbers, which are as good as any you can use, but he did not <br />know if details of some of the other connection issues are there. <br />He felt we need to make sure we know the total picture and again <br />mentioned buffer costs associated with the mitigation of the <br />impacts on residential development. Mr. Godfrey continued that <br />several alternatives have been discussed - one-way roads - <br />one-way pairs - two-way pairs; widening; additional possible <br />roadway connections north and south, etc. - and his firm is <br />convinced there is a need to have 4 lanes on 512 regardless. <br />One other possibility that exists as another alternative is to <br />have one leg, the south leg, one way and keep the north leg a <br />two-way road. Mr. Godfrey discussed how the U.S.I. intersec- <br />tions would function under this scenario and noted this is all <br />just conceptual. <br />Commissioner Scurlock commented that from everything he has <br />heard, one of the major concerns we have is maintaining service <br />levels in compliance with our Comprehensive Plan. He believed no <br />one will ever know the exact differential in costs until you can <br />actually bid this out, and his concern is that we have tried in <br />this county not to have a moratorium in our community. That <br />still is a very grave concern to him. The amount we have <br />available in our impact fee account is about 2.5 million, and, <br />therefore, as a Commissioner, that is the number he is forced to <br />use. Sebastian is one of the fastest growing areas in the <br />County. While he believed some people are not concerned about <br />the possibility of a moratorium on any more development, he knew <br />the business community certainly is, and to him that is an <br />overriding concern. Once we get to a moratorium, there is no <br />new growth; if there is no growth, there are no new impact fees; <br />OV 2110, 19951 <br />