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The Board reviewed the following memo dated 12/19/91: <br />TO: James E. Chandler DATE: <br />County Administrator December 19, 1991 <br />DIV ION HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />Obert M. Rea i , AI <br />Community// Develo men Director <br />FROM: Stan Boliri'g,� AICP <br />Planning Director <br />SUBJECT: REQUEST BY SCOTT KETCHUM FOR A VARIANCE FROM CERTAIN <br />SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 913) REGULATIONS <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at its regular <br />meeting of January 7, 1992. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS: <br />Scott Ketchum has applied for a variance from certain subdivision <br />ordinance regulations. The subject property is a t4 acre parcel <br />located approximately } mile west of 58th Avenue and 760' south of <br />45th Street; it is zoned RS -3 (Residential single family up to 3 <br />units per acre), and is legally described as follows: <br />THE SOUTH 4.00 ACRES OF TRACT 7 IN THE NORTH } OF SECTION <br />29, TOWNSHIP 33 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE <br />PLAT OF LANDS IN INDIAN RIVER FARMS COMPANY SUBDIVISION <br />AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 25 OF THE PUBLIC <br />RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. <br />Prior to a property division, the parcel was a portion of a ±12 <br />acre parent tract (see attachment #1). The parent tract was an old <br />"parcel of record" that included frontage along 45th Street. This <br />parent parcel contained a residence, barn, and other accessory <br />structures. In 1989, the eastern portion of the parent tract, <br />which contained a house on ±7.83 acres as well as 45th Street <br />frontage, was sold -off. The result was a ±7.83 acre "legal" parcel <br />containing a residence and having 45th Street frontage and a ±4 <br />acre parcel containing a barn and no frontage on a road right-of- <br />way. Creation of the ±4 acre parcel without frontage on a <br />dedicated road right-of-way violated section 913.06(1)(c) of the <br />subdivision ordinance. This section states that it is unlawful to <br />"Divide property after December 8, 1973 by any means where a <br />resulting lot has frontage on a dedicated public or private right- <br />of-way (street) less than 60 contiguous feet...". Thus, because <br />the ±4 acre parcel did not have frontage on a dedicated road right- <br />of-way, creation of the parcel was illegal. Presently, the parcel <br />z is considered illegal and is "unbuildable". <br />The subdivision ordinance violation was recently brought to the <br />attention of staff and subsequently considered by the Code <br />Enforcement Board along with other violations related to the <br />construction of a pond on site. To render the parcel "buildable" <br />and to cure the subdivision violation, Scott Ketchum (current owner <br />of the subject ±4 acre parcel and son of the owner of the ±12 acre <br />parent tract) has inquired into using a set of two existing, <br />abutting access easements that run together and "connect" the ±4 <br />acre subject site to 45th Street (please refer to attachment #2). <br />35 <br />AN 107 <br />