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PNCC <br />JAS 0 e' `fir; , <br />must not be allowed to be divided in a manner that <br />results in little or no road right-of-way frontage. <br />(D) The request is inconsistent with 'the subdivision <br />ordinance. First, the request is to "waive" a <br />fundamental requirement of the ordinance which is to <br />provide to newly created lots proper frontage and service <br />and potential for future services. Second, the request <br />is inconsistent with the traffic element of the <br />comprehensive plan which states the following: <br />POLICY 4.20 The county shall continue its current <br />practice of .preserving existing and future transportation <br />right-of-way by requiring necessary and appropriate land <br />dedication through the plat and site plan review and <br />approval processes in accordance with the provisions of <br />the County's Land Development Code. Dedication for <br />right-of-way, exceeding local road standards, shall be <br />compensated through traffic impact fee credits, density <br />transfers, or purchase. <br />POLICY 5.2: The county shall review all proposed land <br />developments in order to ensure consistency with the <br />goals, objectives and policies of this plan, and the <br />county shall require coordination of traffic circulation <br />plans and improvements with land use and infrastructure <br />plans before development approval. <br />In essence, these right-of-way and traffic circulation policies are <br />implemented at the lot -split level of development via the <br />subdivision ordinance road frontage requirement. <br />In his variance application (see attachment #3), the applicant <br />asserts the following: <br />(1) He has attempted to arrange to plat a private road right- <br />of-way from 45th Street directly to the ±4 acre subject <br />parcel. However, the physical arrangement of the <br />property is such that a 60' wide road right-of-way from <br />the subject parcel to 45th Street would have to cross <br />privately -owned parcels since an existing access easement <br />(the 20' wide easement) is not wide enough to meet county <br />standards. The applicant asserts that due to ownership <br />patterns and ownership approval constraints in the area, <br />establishing a road plat could be difficult if not <br />impossible. <br />(2) A private deed restriction has been placed upon the <br />subject t4 acre parcel at this time which would preclude <br />development of more than one residence on the property. <br />Thus, the future development of the property is limited <br />by current private restrictions. <br />(3) A_building permit cannot be issued for a residence on the <br />subject parcel unless a variance is granted which <br />"accepts" in lieu of 60' dedicated road right-of-way <br />frontage the current 60' and 20' access easements which <br />presently connect the site to 45th Street. <br />It is staff's* position that the current parcel configuration and <br />ownership pattern is the result of voluntary action taken by the <br />previous parent tract owners who are the parents of the applicant, <br />Scott Ketchum. Thus, the current property configuration is the <br />result of the illegal acts of the predecessors in title. It is the <br />very difficulties now encountered by Mr. Ketchum that the ordinance <br />right-of-way frontage requirement helps to avoid; that is, creating <br />a new parcel which is "land -locked" from direct access to a <br />dedicated (platted) right-of-way. The existing 60' wide and 20' <br />wide connecting access easements (refer to attachment- #2) are <br />insufficient to meet county width, dedication and maintenance <br />38 <br />