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Commissioner Scurlock asked if it would be possible for the <br />County to make the restriction that Mr. Ketchum could build only <br />one residence, because as it stands now, this man has 4 acres in <br />there that he cannot use until Whippoorwill Subdivision expands at <br />some point in the future. <br />Director Boling explained that if a road plat is put in place, <br />it doesn't require paving improvements and things like that. In <br />other words, the road could continue in its existing condition. <br />What the road plat would do is provide r/w and consent for use by <br />utility providers to work within the r/w if lines are ever extended <br />in there. It also sets up a maintenance authority or entity to <br />maintain it. So, we are not talking about a full scale <br />subdivision. Our ordinance is structured so that you don't have to <br />put in all the improvements if you are doing a lot split. What it <br />really comes down to is that we are suggesting that you not look at <br />the immediate situation or the immediate plans that Mr. Ketchum <br />has. This is a developing area and the problem will not go away. <br />The Ketchums were happy with the 12 -acre parcel for many years, but <br />now they want two parcels -- an 8 -acre parcel and a 4 -acre parcel. <br />If another house is allowed on this parcel or allow a house to be <br />built on the 4 -acre parcel, that won't be the end of it because the <br />area is developing. Director Boling pointed out that by legalizing <br />this parcel split, there would be one more property in a <br />substandard situation. It would be just a little bit, but that is <br />how it occurs, just a little bit at a time. <br />Commissioner Wheeler's concern was that we would be opening up <br />something where someone could split their property and then come <br />back in a year or two saying that they have this situation and need <br />to correct it. He felt it would absolutely destroy our ordinance. <br />Commissioner Scurlock stressed the added problems that you <br />would run into with access for utilities. <br />Commissioner Wheeler understood then that there was an illegal <br />lot split in 1989 and then there is an illegal pond, and now Mr. <br />Ketchum wants an illegal building permit. <br />Mr. Boling advised that Mr. Ketchum has not yet applied for a <br />single family home. The reason this violation came to our <br />attention was in looking at the other violations that occurred on <br />the property. <br />Mr. Ketchum stressed that the 20 feet was created to have it <br />remain private because the two property owners on the end never <br />wanted the street to become a through street. <br />Commissioner Wheeler explained that the ordinance says that <br />you must have 60 feet r/w, whether or not it is private road, an <br />41 <br />BOOK -- F ° I- F. <br />1 <br />JAN 07 1992 <br />