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ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 92-3, confirming the special assessments in <br />connection with water service to Glendale Terrace (24th <br />Avenue) and providing for special assessment liens to be <br />made of record. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 82--� <br />A RESOLUTION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, <br />CONFIRMING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN' <br />CONNECTION WITH WATER SERVICE TO GLENDALE <br />TERRACE (24TH AVENUE) AND PROVIDING FOR <br />SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS TO BE MADE OF <br />RECORD. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County has, by Resolution No. 91-180, adopted December 3, 1991, <br />determined to make special assessments against certain properties in <br />Glendale Terrace (24th Avenue) to be serviced a water main extension <br />of the County; and <br />WHEREAS, said resolution described the manner in which said <br />special assessments shall be made and how said special assessments are <br />to be paid; and <br />WHEREAS, the resolution was published on December 9, 1991, as <br />required by Section 11-52, Indian River County Code; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County passed Resolution No. 91-181, on December 3, 1991, which set a <br />time and place for a public hearing at which the owners of the <br />properties to be assessed and other interested persons would have the <br />chance to . be heard as to any and all complaints as to said project and <br />said special assessments, and for the Board to act as required by <br />Section 11-53, Indian River County Code; and <br />WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of the public hearing was <br />published in the Press Journal Newspaper on Friday, December 13, <br />1991, and Friday, December 20, 1991 (twice one week apart; the last <br />being at least one week prior to the hearing) , as required by Section <br />11-52, Indian River County Code; and <br />45 <br />JAN 07 1992 <br />